Friday, June 02, 2006

I really should update this more often

Well, what can I say? Summer intensified my lethargy, and thus even though there are events in my life I just couldn't care less to bother telling the world about it. Goooo me! Here's a complete update of my life from last post to this one (well, as complete as my memory serves me. I mean, if I was somehow abducted by aliens, escaped and joined a resistant force, liberated a species under oppression and slavery, but not after blowing up 84 plannets inhabitted by the oppressors, thereby killing countless trillions, and be made a hero due to my vastly superior killing skills, but fail to remember such events, I would no doubt be able to update that on this blog).
So, I guess first thing to say is, after months of agony in fear that my grad app would not be accepted, I received the acceptance letter for graduation (the fear really have no bases on anything to tell you the truth. It's just me being paranoid). Which means I am officially graduated. And all you people will be asking, sooo, what are you going to do now that you graduated? Well, I suppose I could always see that the best times of my life are behind me, since society sucks, and it appears that I'm supposed to start my career and continue it for the next 40+ years. In which case, since the best days of my life are behind me, I could always strap myself onto a nuclear missile and fire it at some city that would cause the most controversy, such as Jerusalem, or Vatican City, or Washington DC, or maybe Ottawa (just because no one would see it coming). Alternatively, I could sit at the corner of Bay and Bloor, outside of the Manual Life Centre, and pan-handle. I heard they make a pretty good living, and I seem to have the body type for such a job. Bottom line I guess, is that I have NO idea what I'm going to do. I currently don't know what's important in my life, or what I want to achieve. So I'm just floating around in the sea called everyday life, going in the direction of whatever current carries me.
You know, even upon months of writing nothing, I have a surprising limited amount of stuff to write here. Ah well. Anywho, I decided to try writing a story, see how this path fairs. Maybe I'll have fans later on.
Here's the link: Click Here
Only the prologue is complete so far.


Blogger Ching said...


Congrats on the update.

I read ur Prologue and I quite like it. I think it's make a cool manga.

10:05 AM  
Blogger Ching said...

I mean, it would make a cool manga

10:05 AM  
Blogger Psychopathic Puffin said...

manga takes too much effort to draw for someone that can't draw fast and well simultaneously, so I opted for the short story option ;). Of course if YOU want to draw the goods for the story, you're welcome to give it a go Ching.

10:21 PM  

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