Monday, November 27, 2006

How do we stop racism?

That was the question that popped up in a conversation I had today. Well, in order to really stop racism, there are three ways. First, get everyone to accept differences of race in other people. Second, eliminate all but one race from the world. Third, eliminate the difference between the races. First option is pretty much impossible, for people have a natural tendency to be against something that is different than themself. So I responded by saying, to eliminate racism, kill everyone on the face of the planet. No people = no racism. Second option in itself won't succeed, because if anyone tries to implement that, everyone will try to kill everyone else, resulting in killing off everyone on the planet. But it will end racism. So then I suggested complete random breeding. If every baby that is born is a result of a random sperm fertilizing a random egg, there won't be any distinguishable race in the world. No difference in races means you can't discriminate other people due to races. That was my thought pattern. Ultimately I just answered "Kill everyone on the face of the planet, or have complete random breeding".


Blogger Ching said...

I double triple dare a real life politician to repeat after you. Damn.

10:19 AM  

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