Thursday, September 30, 2004

less destroy, now that things work out.

Well, it would seem that Rogers isn't charging me an extra $10 for internet. The bill was for 1 month + 7 days. Now that internet billing is all good, onward with my other stuff.

Monday, September 27, 2004

I want to destroy

This sucks man. I was quoted 25% off of regular price on internet of 44.95 a month for the next 8 months. What does my bill come out to be? 44.37. Last time I checked, there's no way that's 25% off, no matter how you add the tax. There's gonna be some serious death and destruction going on if this doesn't get sorted out to my liking.

you mean I have to read the fine print? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S A $10 CHARGE ON NON-CABLE USERS????

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Mammalian Physiology is wonderful ;)

Yesterday at the class of mamm phys, the prof talked about how different receptors work. It was very interesting to know that the pain receptors will not become less sensitive over time. Thus, when you clamp a vice grip on someone's finger and never let go, it will hurt them until the finger gets infected and fall off.
I then had some ideas. I asked the prof if it is possible for the Na+ ions to reach equilibrium due to the continuous opening of the Na+ channel in pain receptors. It would not, because the concentration difference is too great, and each time the Na+ channel opens, only a negligible amount of Na+ ions would cross. However, the thing that's more likely to run out is the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Even though that possibility is highly unlikely, for your nerves replenishes them quickly.
I then proposed the idea that if I was to develop a drug to puncture a hole to allow the Na+ ions to flow into the nerve, would that cause the level of pain to be at maximum. The answer is no. This is because although the amount of acetylcholine released is depended on the amount of Na+ ions, there is a maximum amount of acetylcholine that will be released in a nerve cell for each synapse.
I then proposed the idea of developing a drug that would release ALL the acetylcholine in the nerve cell, if that would cause the maximum amount of pain. The answer? Yes! Although the effect of this will ultimately kill the subject, for if that much acetylcholine is received by the brain, the brain will fry up.
So I guess it IS possible for someone to die of pain then ;).

and thus it begins

Greetings and salutations to all.
This is the official start of my own personal online diary. Be warned. It will most likely to contain dark (very dark) materials, as this will be a reflection of my mind.