Friday, April 29, 2005

BAHAHAHAHAH!!!! That's hillarious!

My goodness, that was hillarious. I never thought I would ever get something in the 90s ever again. That 90% final option for Pharm Tox WAS a good idea. And what's better? I didn't fail anything!! WOOT!!!! (Even though my grades had a wopping 25% difference between the best and the worst mark).
Well, I start my work on Monday. And I have no idea when I'm supposed to go into the lab. ~Grin. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to go in early then.
Mysic lyrics test coming shortly. Probably in a week or so.
Oh, my sister obtained a N64 system from her co-worker for free. I'm just surprised how FRIGGEN DIFFICULT it is to obtain good N64 games like Mario Kart. (This will be the very first video game system we own by the way. My mom tried very hard to stop us from keeping it. Geez, my sister is older than me, and I'm already 22, and pretty much living on my own most of the year. She must think video games are the incarnation of Satan or something).

Thursday, April 21, 2005

The light at the end of the tunnel is a train.

Killer exam part 1 done. NO MORE LAB METHODS!!!! (Oh, I definitely got higher than 30% on that exam). I swear, my bed is posessed. This morning at 7:00, right after the alarm went off, the wooden planks supporting the mattress collapsed. Thus, killed any desire for me to remain in bed to catch some extra minutes of Z's. Freaky no?
Tomorrow is scary. Another 8:30 exam (Human Genetics), but follows right afterwards with a killer 90% final for Pharm Tox. Umm, I am sooo screwed. Funny how the 90% final option seemed like a good idea some point in time. Way to end the exams this year. Me go study now.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

The genetics of witchness, and stuff.

Okay, I am such a nerd. Sometimes today, I went and ponder the genetics of witchness again. Yes, again, meaning I thought about the subject before.
Let's introduce the idea. In general, witches are female humans with magical capabilities. In certain stories, they live to be very very old. There are a lot of variety of how witches are born, however, for the sake of this study, we will suppose that witches can only be born from witches (thus the traits of witchness is entirely genetic), and there is no such thing as a wizard (male version of witches).
Several months ago, I pondered that if only females gets the trait, the gene thus must be on the X chromosome. Since males cannot be witches, the Y chromosome must have some inhibiting factors. But then if it follows that female children of witches will be witches, then there must be a bias as to the X chromosome that gets transmitted. But wait, then shouldn't there be a spontaneous case of witchery where the father passes on a "recessive" X chromosome to a female child, and thus have a witch in the family when both parents appear to be "normal? I then come to the conclusion that the genetics of witchness cannot work.
BUT, today, I thought of something that would make it work. How could I have NOT thought about mitochondrial DNA?? It fits perfectly! mtDNA only gets passed down from the mother, thus you don't have to worry about the father contributing any mitochondrial genetic materials. Thus, the gene for witchness MUST be in the mtDNA! The only difference between males and females in terms of chromosomes is that males have the Y chromosome. Thus, there must be an inhibiting factor of witchness located somewhere in the Y chromosome.
Did I mention that I'm such a nerd?
Oh, and for something completely different, I figured out why I'm still stuck with 2MB of e mail space for my hotmail account. Hotmail offers 250MB of space for the following regions: the 50 United States, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico (and obviously Canada, 'cause all my friends have it). They do NOT offer 250MB of space if you live in Antarctica! (Well, it seemed like a good idea to say I lived in Antarctica when I signed up for hotmail).
Well, that's enough post for me for now. Oh, and my twisted music quiz will come in a week or so. BEWARE, it's gonna consist of very twisted lyrics :D. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The beginning of the end!

Got 30 minutes to kill before I go off to hunt someone down. Well, the first exam was rather tough. At the very least, it was tougher than the exam the prof gave last year. That is soooo unfair. Courses that are new either begins really pathetically easy, and in the second time it's taught gets over-compensated with toughness, or vice verca. Unfortunately, it was the prior that was the case. But then why is there a bimodal distribution in terms of grades in that class? People are either doing really well, or really horrible. As for me, I'm sitting right in between both humps. Oh well. I don't care. I think I passed that exam, and that's all it matters (besides, it was a 20% final anyway).
The exam on Thursday morning will be the one that kills me (well, and the ones next week. But that's not near enough to worry me). That course should be interesting also. Without the midterm, I'd be getting an 86% in that course right now. With the midterm, I'm in the low 60s. I need a 25% on the final to pass that course. I think I can manage that.
Well, yesterday I was playing Risk with Mandy. I won the first two games, but the third game had something interesting. How in the world is it possible to fail to take a territory when the defending player had only 5 armies, and you had more than 3x the millitary prowess? Not only so, Mandy didn't lose any armies at all that battle! The game went on with my continuous rolls of 1s and 2s. It's a wonder I survived more than 3 hours.
I love! I can now find loads of stuff to download that I haven't been able to find for ages, ever since went down. Guess I'll be abusing lots of bandwidth in the next little while ;). Anywho, I think that's enough post for now. Gotta run. Over and out.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

The 10 minutes calm before the storm, and stuff

This is a couple of days old, but it's still slightly amusing. A couple of days ago, Alyson and I was having a conversation, where it began with one of her class being intro to musicianship (which is a joke course). It progressed into the acronym of order of sharps for keys, which goes "Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle". We couldn't remember the acronym for the flats though, but we recalled there being a banana, a chimp, and some eating. Thus the conversation then progressed into the differences between chimp eating bananas, and banana eating chimps.
Do they essentially mean the same thing? Well not really. We agreed that if the second word is plural, then the second subject is the one being eaten. But what if the first subject is plural and the second is singular, ie. chimps eating banana, and bananas eating chimp? We also agreed that it's the singular subject that's eating the plural. But what if you have both singular, ie. banana eating chimp and chimp eating banana? How can you tell what's eating what? How about if they are both plural, ie. bananas eating chimps, or chimps eating bananas? Can you determine it's the normal event of bananas being devoured by chimps, or are those poor chimps being horribly devoured by some killer bananas?
Well, my first exam is on Monday at 8:30, in which I hadn't the time to study for yet. The reason: stupid lab report of doom that was due on Friday, and my need to go home and do my taxes. I shall do horrendously on that final, it's gonna be hillarious. (Any sadists out there)? That being said, at least I got some period of unconciousness to replenish my supply of neurotransmitters last night. Yey!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

I will survive.

If I can ge through until a week Wednesday, I think I'll have some break time. But before then, I think I'll have no sleep for the next week and a half. I hope my tortured mind, body, and soul will give me some forgiveness when all of this is over. Just a few days to go...