Thursday, October 27, 2005

Update of me

Well, it would seem I have been neglecting my blog. Well, here's a quick update. About 3 weeks ago, I had fun arguing that in accordance to Plato's as well as common ancient Greek beliefs (which was that death is good, but suicide is not, and that the best thing in life is to have never been born), that having children is committing atrocities, and that acts of homocides are noble deeds. That was fun.
Grandma passed away this past weekend. That was unpleasent, but we all knew it was gonna happen soon. Hope she's happy with her afterlife.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Can't sleep. Lab will eat me.

Well, it's Thanksgiving weekend, and where am I? I'm in my lab trying to get some results for my presentation on Wednesday. Well, I'm not really complaining. Afterall, I did go home for a pitstop on Thursday night, went to a (rather pricy, but fun and cultural enriching) birthday party, then came back to Guelph on Saturday for The Arrogant Worms concert. Here's to working hard and playing hard.
Wow, this midi prep is taking forever. Never again will I extract plasmid using the midiprep kit. I'm telling you guys, miniprep is the way to go. It may not recover as much plasmid, but it's way less painful and less time consuming.
This is ridiculous. The time used to obtain the materials for my experiments is taking a lot longer than I thought. Stupid midiprep. I haven't even began my digestion reactions and ligation reactions. Unholy biological solid waste! From my estimation, I'm gonna be in the lab until sunrise tomorrow. Well, here's to my first all nighter lab. YEY!!