Sunday, March 27, 2005


Ahem, just a random post. There's no need for concern. Just get back to your daily routines, for there's nothing to fear but fear itself.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

There is no such thing as a selfless act.

Or good/evil dichotomy (the opposite of good is CLEARLY bad, not evil). I always find the posts such as the recent ones on the TAG and in the guestbook hillarious (YES! I'm spreading hatred and uneasiness onto the world. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!). It's amusing how those types of posts never have contact info. If I was to criticise someone on the net, I'd have the balls to leave contact info. (By the way, in the topic of abortion, I'm 100% pro-choice).
Well, only a little over 2 weeks of classes left. Which means there's only a little over 2 weeks for everything to be due. Here's what's in store in the near future: 2 lab reports of doom due next week, 1 problem based learning assingment for Human Gen due next week, the last bioinformatics quiz (those quizzes are 10% each), one presentation for bioinformatics due in 2 weeks, and independent project for lab methods due in 2 weeks. Oh, and a lab methods quiz tomorrow that's worth more than lab reports. Next week's gonna hurt.
I originally obtained a couple of helium balloons over the weekend for the purpose of playing with the helium, but it looks like the balloons have deflated. I had helium balloons before, but I never realized how quickly those things deflate (they no longer float after 1 day).
At least in the midst of all this crazy workload, Good Friday comes up. It's really a shame I don't get Easter off too. Guess Easter Monday is only a figment of my imagination. But chances are, there will be an increase in my already abundant chocolate supply very soon. (I'm telling ya, it's very difficult to consume all those chocolate by yourself. Especially when you don't have a habit of eating those for snacks). I really don't know where my sweet tooth have gone. I remember when I was in elementary school, I could wolf down TONNES of those things. But now, I can't seem to make a dent in my supply.
For the Pharmacology & Toxicology midterm where one of the 2 sections I went "huh?", the results were interesting. Well, the two sections differed by A WHOPPING 45%!!!! (So, does that mean I know the materials or does that mean I don't?) Yes, I failed one of the sections, and did really well in the other. I now really believe my grades are a function of the random number generator.
One of these days I've got to do updates for my new hard drive so it would actually detect the whole 200GB. Right now it's only detecting 130. Bah. Oh, and the rebate hasn't seem to be processed yet. I should contact them in the next few days. I don't feel like not getting my $40.
Considering everything, life really seem to be peaceful and tranquil these days. Wow, what's going on? Is the world gonna end in the near future? Maybe something like this: will happen next month.

Sunday, March 13, 2005



The whole ordeal started on Thursday evening, when I received an e mail from an unknown person with no subjects. I was curious, and decided to take a look at it. It was a prof saying that he still had a URA position available, and wondered if I was interested. I was shocked. I mean, heck, I thought all the prof already hired. And besides, I never applied to this prof. I met with him on Friday, and after a quite long interview, he decided to hire me! So, I'd be playing with virus at the summer time :D. The only potential concern I have would be, he wanted me to do the research project with him next year also. Thus, if there is anything I don't like when working, I'm stuck there for the whole entire year. But that doesn't really matter. I mean, it's a lot better to be playing with (grape) virus, than making bagels and sandwiches at Tim Horton's. I'd actually be acquiring experiences I can use now.


Sunday, March 06, 2005

Religion Sucks!

I appologize first hand if I'm offending anyone. I know there are very dogmatic Christians reading this blog, and it's not my purpose to make angry people. There are very kind and decent Christians around, and I'm friends with a good number of them. But this is my blog, and I need to vent.
Last time I checked, Christianity is a religion that helps people in need. Thus, if you're one of the people in need, I don't think you should go and donate what little possessions you've got. Wouldn't it make more sense to get out of the position of need first so that you wouldn't be a burden to others?
So what's the whole point I'm making? Well, first of all, I know of no other family as in debt as mine is. Much of the debt has affected my extended family as well. So what does my mom do? She donates $200 to the church for a missionary TV station in China. On top of that, she lend $200 to another person for the purpose of donating as well. Meanwhile, whe's bitching and complaining and stressing about there not being enough money to pay the bills. Geez mom, get your priorities strait. If you REALLY want to donate those money, why can't you donate it to something more worth while? Like, let's see? Perhaps YOUR FAMILY??
Religion is a wonderful thing to brainwash the masses. Most wars in the history of human kind has been attributed to God. I hate it. I hate the fact that my mom isn't smart enough to know when to draw the line. Well, if she's just going to be giving out free money for people, then that's the last time I help her out financially, because, well, I'm pretty broke myself. And I don't want something I give, intending to help her, end up help propogating something I don't believe.
She's been forgetting plans she's made with people because of religion, and on numerous occasions, stood people up because of it. My dad, my sister, and I are all sick and tired of her behaviour, but she's too caught up by her new "toy" to even notice. And it annoys the hell out of me that she still denies being religious.

Series of Unfortunate Events

Is a book series in which I have been suggested to reading. But that's something completely different from today's post.
Gosh I hate getting crappy marks for midterms. I'm really not used to getting mid 50s and low 60s for tests. This sucks. And for Human Genetics, it's not like I didn't know the answer. When asked the question of what colour Goldilocks hair is, and you answer that she saw 3 bears, went into the bears' house, ate the baby bear's porage, broke baby bear's chair, and slept in baby bear's bed, how many marks do you think you'll get? Seriously, I really need to READ the question before answering them. (DNA Rep midterm on the other hand was just rough. 'Though, I'm still upset I got below the class average of 65%). It's horrible. I've actually spent a good decent amount of time studying for these stuff too.
Lab Methods was horrid too. For the quiz, after a glance at the class' marks (not on purpose though), I realized that my mark was the lousiest. Heck, it's one thing getting a lousy mark, but it's something else when you're getting the worst mark of the class. Also, when the prof comments on how well the second lab was done by the class, and you look at your second lab mark, realizing he meant everyone did well EXCEPT FOR YOU, it kinda makes you feel stupid.
On Thursday, I wrote the Parm Tox midterm. There was 2 booklets (one from each prof), which is 50% each. As I was writing the first booklet, I thought I was doing well, since I finished 24 questions in 45 minutes. However, I found out that the first booklet was out of 50, NOT 25. Needless to say, the midterm felt like the Neverending Story (the one the kid in the story reads, not the one we read). It really couldn't have gone well, considering a good chunk of the question I went "huh? What the heck is this?".
And I'm still currently not able to find a stupid lab job. Why do I get the feeling I'm going to end up working at Tim Horton's AGAIN? Stupid world. Stupid things not going my way. Maybe Bush should invade North Korea, and trigger a nuclear war and end the world. That way trivial things like horrendous grades and unemployment wouldn't get me so down.