Friday, April 14, 2006

TV can't do archery

Seriously. The bows and arrows on TV must be made of some magical materials. There is NO WAY you can draw a normal bow by the arrow, and have the arrow shoot at the target with a reliable amount of force. You would need a ridiculous amount of gripping power if you want to draw a normal bow by the arrow. What you're SUPPOSED to do is to put the index finger above the arrow, the middle and forth finger below the arrow, and DRAW ON THE STRING!!!! But NOOOOO, every single show that I came across where bow and arrows are being shot, THEY DRAW THE ARROW! (Yes, this includes live action war/ kong fu shows as well). It seriously pisses me off.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

A nice dream

I dreamed that I gained weight and was 49kg. That would be nice, to be in the 3 digits in terms of poundage. Highly doubt that's the case, but of course I can't test that since I don't have a scale.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Well, that was stupid. In quantitative genetics, there was a makeup assignment, and you get 2 attempts at it. I took the second attempt because I found mistakes in the first attempt after submitting it. Guess what? I didn't hit submit for the second attempt until now, when the due date was passed. DOH! The worse part is, after I hit submbit just now, it showed that I got every single question right! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, and I forgot my optomistrist appointment on Friday as well. I really think I need a better brain. Mine is apparently turning into rust.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

fear is the best way to get results from people

Seriously. A day after I post my previous post, the comments function of the "longwindedness" post starts to work again. Go figure.