Monday, August 28, 2006

Hate is not the cause for war

Stupidity and ignorance are! That's my new theory. Stupid ignorant people who are in charge make people filled with rage. War is the perfect mean to disperse this rage. Thus, it's stupidity and ignorance that causes war.
My sister, my dad, and I had dinner with one of the people in the organization, and who was responsible for organizing the tour. The idea was to talk about why this trip sucked so much, so that improvements can be made for the next time. Of the 3 hours of the sushi buffet, only about 10 mins were allocated to talk about the trip. Why? Well, because SHE SUCKS!
In the 5 nights, the lady claimed that the policy dictates that people were supposed to have 4 people a bedroom. My sister and I claimed that they tried to fit 8 people in a room for one of the nights. She responded by claiming that it is impossible for them to do that. Dude! YOU WEREN'T THERE! WE WERE! Don't try to argue against witnesses of an event because policy said the event should be that way, WHEN YOU WEREN'T A WITNESS YOURSELF!! This occurred a couple of times.
She also didn't answer questions that my sister asked. When asked the question of "if mandarine classes are an absolute must, why did the classes start when the trip was already 1/3 over?", DO NOT answer "Oh, because the people on this trip wanted to learn Mandarine". YOU DID NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION! I don't think she even answered any of our questions.
And WTF mate! Do you honestly think people that doesn't know how to speak, read, and write Mandarine will be able to pick it up in 2 classes 3 hours each? I told her that the classes are completely useless, and really should be offed, but got the response of "Oh, but people coming on this tour wants to learn Mandarine, and therefore we MUST have these classes. The classes have always been there, and will always be there". BULL SHIT! Especially when there's another tour to Taiwan organized by the same group of people made SPECIFICALLY for people wanting to learn Mandarine! It's a 2 week program of Mandarine classes everyday. People that want to learn Mandarine will go to THAT one, not THIS ONE!
Bottom line was stated by her, that "we only take complaints, suggestions, and comments seriously if it's a majority concern. The complaints of the itinerary is never a major concern for the people, and thus won't be taken seriously. The majority of the people complain about food and accomodation, and that's the only thing that we will ever change". FUCK YOU, YOU USELESS WASTE OF FLESH OF A WOMEN! It's no wonder that your husband left you! He only got you pregnant when you were in university because he was horney, and NOT because you had even a residue of aesthetic quality, OR mental prowess!

Friday, August 25, 2006

The End

Well, officially there are still 2 days left of the tour. But they are nothing but useless events that takes place in the residence. Thus, my sis and I are officially signed out by dad. I'll do a better update in the near future, since it's really late now and I'm really tired.
Oh, post cards were sent out today. They were written a while ago, but I never had the opportunity to buy stamps and mail them. You should be expecting them in about 10 days.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Troublemakers rule the world

Soooo, apparently my sister and I are so disruptive to the group that the organization decided to call our dad, and tell on us. Sheeesh, are we in elementary school or something? If they think we're disruptive, come tell us for crying out loud! And it's not like we're being especially disruptive. We just decide to TELL you guys of our disappointment, as opposed to the other people who talk behind your back about how shitty this trip is.
We stopped at a hotel in the mountain, where there was some SERIOUS screw ups in the room arrangements, where some people got 4 person bedrooms with large space, and others got 8 person rooms of smaller size. People got upset. My sister decided to just move into my room. We then kinda instigated a rebelion and forced the organizers to put 6 people per room instead. My sister still end up living in my room that night.
That same night, we went exploring the mountain in the dark. We invited 2 other people to tag along. GEEZ were they slow. And they were sooooo immature too. In a pitch dark path where the only light source were my sister and I, you SHOULD NOT lag behind. If you think we're moving too fast, TELL US! I then decided maybe I should give them the flashlight and let them lead. Not the best idea either. The guy of the couple took the light and played with it by flashing it all over the place. There are other actions of them that are irritating, but I can't really put them to words. It really felt like bringing along a couple of 10 year olds. I guess it's because the majority of the people behave like 10 years olds, that the organization decide to treat us like kids. ~grin.
Yesterday we were at a hotspring pool. After about a decade of not swimming, I stayed in the pool for a good 3-4 hours. I found out that I can hold my breath for a good pathetic 1 min 40 secs.
Why in the world are people hooking up left right and centre?? It's soooo silly! You probably aren't going to see your significant other for the rest of your life after this trip! I don't know, but maybe they're embracing the idea of "living the moment".

Monday, August 21, 2006

This is what shit taste like

Take one overly schedualled trip, where stops are really far apart. Add ridiculously small amount of time allocated to each stop. Then add poor explainations as to why we are stopping at each place. Shake, and voila. This is what shit taste like. And to add some nice topping to it, to make it superbly stinky, whip up a lost/ nabbed cat. Mau Mau, our friendliest of the three cats, went missing since thursday. Since he is super friendly, we suspect he may be nabbed. Horrendous, hideous, and painful deaths to pet nabbers everywhere. May they also burn in hell in their afterlife. If hell doesn't exist, I'll be happy to create one, just for those people.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Why oh why do I hate people so?

Well, let's continue the update. Here's a bit about the tour group. There's a 11:00pm curfew. If you want to be out of the residence later than that, you need your parent/guardian's signature. FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE, people my age are getting married and having kids on our own! Why the bloody hell do we need our parents to sign us out? Oh, and guys can't go into the girls' residence and vice verca. And what's with some of the events they try to make us do? Learn Mandarine? Do you seriously expect us to learn how to speak/read/write a foreign language in a couple of 3 hours classes? Seriously! Do something more productive!

I had a fight a couple of days ago with the staff members reguarding the morning calls. My room has only received a morning call on the first day of the trip. One of the staff member was complaining on how slow at waking up my room was. I told him that we never received morning calls. He then replied saying that is impossible, because he would always make sure the people in the rooms that he's responsible for would wake up on time. I responded by saying that in that case, the telephone must be broken, otherwise at least one of the 4 people in my room would hear the phone ring. I was groggy at the moment since I was just woken up, and thus didn't turn my face to look at him. He took that as an insult and start using harsher tones. He claims that it is impossible for the person responsible for calling my room to not call, OR that the phone is broken. I got pretty pissed, and start screaming back at him. He claims that the morning call is not for the purpose of waking people up, but as an assistance. Bullshit! The whole purpose of a MORNING CALL is to wake someone up. Why would you bother with a morning call if that's not the case? In the end it just went into a screaming fest. I guess I kinda needed that, to dispel some of the irritation I'm receiving from this stupid group. It ended when some other staff came in to mitigate the situation.

On that same day, the head team leader (our group is divided into 9 groups. Each group has a leader, and there's a leader for those 9 leaders) gave a speech to the group saying how he was really angry at the fact that some people locked their room and pretended to be not in the room, and thus making people wait in the group during the morning gathering. For some reason the incidence of the questionable existance of the morning call in my room was also mentioned. After the anger fest that the head team leader displayed, my sister and I confronted him. We start arguing about the whole morning call issue and pretty much cornered him and bashed him with logical arguments. We also said that his actions are unprofessional. He should have approached the people in question in private. In the end he claimed that he wasn't the one who wanted to say those things, but he was told to do so by the head organizers/ the big cheese of the tour group. My sister and I commented on how silly that is, and how big of a chicken the head cheese is. If the head cheese wanted to show anger, she should have told the group herself, as opposed to telling one of her lackies to do it for her. It would have held a lot more weight, when something like that comes from a person with the highest power, who is older. A 22 years old holds a lot less authority in a group where there are 27 year olds.

Well, regardless on whether the phone was too soft and was fixed, or the person responsible for calling my room didn't call all this time, it was solved the next day. A very punctual morning call was received the next morning.

The staff in general are sooooo square! They MUST follow the set rules to the letter, and have no room for flexibility. My sister and I are pretty much the biggest rebels in the group, causing lots of pain and suffering for the staff. GOOD! Maybe by the end some of them will grow a backbone and some brains to think for themselves, as opposed to just follow what is told.

The tourists aren't all that great either. Cliques are formed quickly, and the whole feeling is exactly the same as high school. The clique mentality isn't exclusive to the young ones, but to the older tourists as well. I sure hope people of Taiwan in general don't behave like the people in this tour group. If they do, I seriously wouldn't mind genetically engineer a biological weapon to wipe out the people of this island (yea, I know, that's going against my philosophy of genocide being bad. Give me a break. I'm venting rage).

Yesterday there was a mandatory movie watching event. I would have stayed if it were Taiwanese films. But they were foreign films (in Taiwanese standards)! My sister and I just sneaked out and ditched the "class". Today, I was confronted by my team leader, saying how I shouldn't ditch. I told her that I already seen those movies, but she continue saying how this is a class, and you can't just leave. I feined ignorance and just keep replying "oh, okay", thus stopping additional opportunities for her to say anything else.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

tourist on speed and much much more

If by more I mean less, then yes, it's much more. HOLY GEEZ these people don't know how to organize a tour group. Each time before we go on the bus, there would be a 10 min time spent on lining up and counting the people. That's fine, but can't they brief the group of when to get back to the bus while we're en route? Noooo, they had to have everyone line up AFTER we arrive, count up the people, then tell us to return in AN HOUR!! Sheeesh, what can you accomplish in a national park when you're given an hour?? Also, they treat us like 10 years olds. For heaven's sake, people are getting married at my age, and they put a restriction so that males can't go to the female's dorm and vice verca. Well, not exactly a lot of time to update, so I'll wrap up. Needless to say, my sister and I are pretty much the rebels in the group. I think I already made some people rather pissed at me. Yey.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Wheee, update for the story.

Well, after about a month of dry spell, here's the first official chapter for The Story. I don't think there'll be any new materials for the next little while, because of my trip to Taiwan (oh, and I haven't packed yet). Well, enjoy this chapter. Comments and suggestions are highly welcomed.

Follow this and click on Chapter One