The long awaited lyrics quiz.
Well, this is the long awaited lyrics quiz. For those that are doing this kind of quiz the first time, here's the instruction. For each lyric, name the song, artist, and if it's from a musical, name the musical as well. The whole thing is out of 23 (3 of the below lyrics are from musicals). Just post the answers in the comments section, or e mail me if you know my e mail. Be forwarned, the lyrics range from G rated, to very twisted. Enjoy.
1) Why bleeding is breating/ You're hiding, underneath the smoke in the room/ Try, bleeding is believing/ I used to
2) It's the oldest story/ Masses are oppressed/ Faces, clothes, and bladders all destressed
3) So, let go/ Just get in/ Oh, it's so amazing here/ It's all right/ 'cause there's beauty in the breakdown
4) Agony!/ Misery!/ Woe!/ Not to know what you miss/ While they lie there for years/ And you cry on their biers/ What unbearable bliss!/ Agony, that can cut like a knife!/ Oh well, back to my wife...
5) When they see us coming, the birdies all try an' hide,/ but they still go for penuts when coated with cyanide.
6) I like big butts and I cannot lie/ You other brothers can't deny/ That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist/ With a round thing in your face/ You get sprung, wanna pull out your tongue/ 'Cause you notice that butt was stuffed
7) The internet is really really great/ For porn!/ I've got a fast connection so I don't have to wait/ For Porn!/ Huh? There's always some new site/ For porn!/ I browse all day and night/ For porn!/ It's like I'm surfing a the speed of light/ For porn!
8) It's real early morning/ No one is awake/ I'm back at my cliff/ Still throwing things off/ I listen to the sounds they make/ On their way down/ I follow with my eyes 'til they crash/ imagine what my body would sound like/ Slamming against those rocks/ When it lands/ Will my eyes be closed, or open?
9) Since you've been gone/ Well, I feel like I've been chewing on tin foil/ Since you've been gone/ It's like I've got a great big mouthful of cod liver oil/ Well, I'm feeling like I've stuck my hand inside a blender and turned it on/ you know, I've been in a buttload of pain/ Since you've been gone
1) Why bleeding is breating/ You're hiding, underneath the smoke in the room/ Try, bleeding is believing/ I used to
2) It's the oldest story/ Masses are oppressed/ Faces, clothes, and bladders all destressed
3) So, let go/ Just get in/ Oh, it's so amazing here/ It's all right/ 'cause there's beauty in the breakdown
4) Agony!/ Misery!/ Woe!/ Not to know what you miss/ While they lie there for years/ And you cry on their biers/ What unbearable bliss!/ Agony, that can cut like a knife!/ Oh well, back to my wife...
5) When they see us coming, the birdies all try an' hide,/ but they still go for penuts when coated with cyanide.
6) I like big butts and I cannot lie/ You other brothers can't deny/ That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist/ With a round thing in your face/ You get sprung, wanna pull out your tongue/ 'Cause you notice that butt was stuffed
7) The internet is really really great/ For porn!/ I've got a fast connection so I don't have to wait/ For Porn!/ Huh? There's always some new site/ For porn!/ I browse all day and night/ For porn!/ It's like I'm surfing a the speed of light/ For porn!
8) It's real early morning/ No one is awake/ I'm back at my cliff/ Still throwing things off/ I listen to the sounds they make/ On their way down/ I follow with my eyes 'til they crash/ imagine what my body would sound like/ Slamming against those rocks/ When it lands/ Will my eyes be closed, or open?
9) Since you've been gone/ Well, I feel like I've been chewing on tin foil/ Since you've been gone/ It's like I've got a great big mouthful of cod liver oil/ Well, I'm feeling like I've stuck my hand inside a blender and turned it on/ you know, I've been in a buttload of pain/ Since you've been gone