Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Big 100!

Wow, March 12 was the last time I updated this. I really should update more often. I blame lethargy and apathy, although I attribute them as being the keys to world peace. As you can see, this is my 100th post on this blog.

First thing's first. I finished chapter 6 of my story. click here for the goods.

First off, had a post from March something, didn't finish, so combining that post to this one as well:

Started this post wayyyyyy back, can't remember what I was planning to write. Ah well, just gonna post what I had written.

Hung out with Kim. She mentioned something about a friend of a friend going to Uganda with an outreach program. The outreach program pretty much said to the group that they would most likely be raped at least once during the trip, and hands them a rape kit. Kim and I were pretty much saying how "sure, I'd like PAY to experience being raped, and possibly catch AIDS!". Also, we talked of shrunken heads "I don't care about the people that died to be my shrunken head". (Oh yea, that was what I was thinking before. AAAAHHHH, I'm being brainwashed by normality that is society, 'cause I was subconsciously making arguments of how killing of those people was mean. Because you know, we HAVE to be superficial and nice).

This is why Kim is my friend. We enjoy conversations of eating people, where such conversations would disturb most others.

That ends the post from March.


Urgh, don't feel like recalling all those things that I meant to have written up. It's too much effort. Let's give you the shortened version of what I can remember. And skip over all those philosophical mumbo jumbo. Tried pot a little while ago. It feels like you're drunk without the disorientation. It also feels like you haven't slept for a day, but without the grogginess. You won't be able to have a decent train of thought without great difficulties. Oh, and did I mention that it totally burned my lungs? IT HURT!!!!

Had a nice drinking get together with Sylvie and Melissa on Saturday evening. Did tarot card readings. It was a blast. The tarot cards told me my next 4 months are gonna be hell, friends are gonna drift away, and I'm probably not gonna get into any grad school. October and November are months of healing for me, but sometime at the end of November something will royally piss me off, making me angry the whole December. Things however, will take a turn for the better starting January. And supposedly I'll find love in my life at April.

I can't recall the details for Sylvie's reading, but supposedly her studies will go to shits. She'll get pregnant early next year, making her parents pretty much disown her, and she's gonna elope with her mate a couple of months later.

I bet you don't get those kinds of readings when you go to a psychic ;).

Oh, and for the first time in my life I had a hangover. And a very looonnnnggg one too. It was awful! Not gonna touch ethanol for the next several months.