Monday, November 27, 2006

How do we stop racism?

That was the question that popped up in a conversation I had today. Well, in order to really stop racism, there are three ways. First, get everyone to accept differences of race in other people. Second, eliminate all but one race from the world. Third, eliminate the difference between the races. First option is pretty much impossible, for people have a natural tendency to be against something that is different than themself. So I responded by saying, to eliminate racism, kill everyone on the face of the planet. No people = no racism. Second option in itself won't succeed, because if anyone tries to implement that, everyone will try to kill everyone else, resulting in killing off everyone on the planet. But it will end racism. So then I suggested complete random breeding. If every baby that is born is a result of a random sperm fertilizing a random egg, there won't be any distinguishable race in the world. No difference in races means you can't discriminate other people due to races. That was my thought pattern. Ultimately I just answered "Kill everyone on the face of the planet, or have complete random breeding".

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Fun Fun Tone Deaf Quiz

My sister did this tone deaf quiz online because one of her friends wanted her to. She got 91ish% and demanded I take it. So I did. It's a rather difficult quiz where 2 musical passages are played, and you have to identify either it's the same or different. I was rather surprised I actually got 100% on it. Here's the quiz if anyone is interested in trying it out.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Chapter Three, FINALLY!

Well, finally the long awaited chapter three. I know it took me almost three months to finish this chapter, but there's a good reason for it. It's more than 3 times the length of the previous chapter. It still needs a good hefty editing due to some inconsistancies with the characters' speech and action, but that'll have to wait. Well, without delay, here it is:

Click here.

Once again, comments are welcome.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Random Thought

This was originally a note from my facebook. Well, it's not really THAT disturbing. Anywho, here's the thought.

If I am guarenteed to be able to take over the world for the exchange of all my ethical principles and religious beliefs, I'd totally go for it. Actually, I would first trample, then freeze with liquid nitrogen, then burn by having it enter the earth's atmosphere, then crushed via a giant steamroller, then hit it with a baseball bat (aluminum one of course. None of that wussy wooden ones), then shoot it out of a battle ship cannon at point blank range into a 10 feet thick steel wall, then expose it to the vacuum of space, and then finally nuke it with Tsar Bomba x 10, and THEN throw it out the window. C'mon, wouldn't you??

P.S. I'll try my hardest to get chapter 3 out by the end of the week.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

At last, shows that put in effort

Recall my rant about cartoons (and live action shows alike) can't do archery? Well, last week I finally saw a series called Utawarerumono, that actually did proper archery (well, okay, close enough to proper. Technically you're supposed to position the index finger above the arrow, and middle and ring finger below the arrow. The archers in this series only used index and middle finger. But heck, minor detail. They even made the effort of mentioning knocking of the arrows, and the archers actually drew the string as opposed to the arrow. Yes, at least the arrows would fly forward with the way they're shooting).

The same thing can also be said with incidences when people are playing an instrument. You have no idea how annoying it is to watch something, and have whatever key they are playing not correspond to the music. Even worse is when in terms of piano playing, the movement of the hands aren't even remotely close to the rhythm, or when in a melody consisting of only high notes, both hands are positioned at the low notes. I was very impressed when I saw the series Innocent Venus syncopate the movement of the player's hands with not only the rhythm of the music, but actually hitting (mostly) the right notes. Okay, in certain places they were lazy and just winged it, and some places the action and the music was off by 1/2 a beat, but in others, it was bang on. It really impresses me when someone dedicated the time and effort into little details like these.

Well, I had my first interview today. It was a lot less mean than I expected it, which scares me. I feel that the meaner the question they ask, the better answer I can provide, especially when I really prepared for it. Unfortunate really. The interview was only 20 minutes, so I don't know how well it went. Alas, no point in worrying about it now. If they like me today, then I'll be called to do an interview face to face in Ottawa. I'll be hearing back from Iogen in about a week or two.